我并不认为从始自终的主观视角(是这个名字)的拍摄方法适合 钱德勒的小说抱抱俏佳人吻戏这样的拍摄其实极大地弱化了推理小说上最有魅力的侦探之一 “以把妹为己任 以破案为副业”的Philipe Marlowe 的形象而且整个剧本也变得有点食之无味对这个改编版本不是很满意
Ingmar Bergman may have meant the tank rumbling down the empty night street in The Silence as a phallic symbol. But if he did, it was a foolish thought. (“Never trust the teller, trust the tale,” said Lawrence.) Taken as a brute object, as an immediate sensory equivalent for the mysterious abrupt armored happenings going on inside the hotel, that sequence with the tank is the most striking moment in the film. Those who reach for a Freudian interpretation of the tank are only expressing their lack of response to what is there on the screen.